miércoles, 25 de enero de 2017

Day 2 - Innovative approaches to teaching - Prague 24/01/2017

Día en el que hemos aprendido conceptos básicos sobre el aprendizaje basado en proyectos.
A continuación hacemos un resumen en inglés de lo aprendido.
PBL – Project based learning
-         Choose questions (problem, open, interesting, linked to students’ interests and curriculum, complex questions…).
-         Find out about previous knowledges of our students about the topic.
-         MAIN GOAL (it has to be linked to the question - The final product).
-         Give criteria to pupils.
-         Research activity – preparation for final presentations.
-         Final questions – final summary – assessment (to check out if they have achieved the contents).
-         CELEBRATION.

*Web muy interesante para ver diferentes proyectos – An important website to look for PBL at schools – www.bie.org

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